How to Rev Up Metabolism

awaken your wellness program womans health Jun 11, 2023
How to Rev Up Metabolism @mebykatie

We’ve all been there. Hormones are out of whack, and metabolism suffering because of it.

But even though your hormones are out of whack, there are still ways to increase your metabolism without changing up every area of your life!

Even as your hormones are out of line, you can still reach your health and wellness goals without sacrificing everything you need and want.


Get Plenty of Sleep

One side effect of your out-of-whack hormones is that they can make it hard to get good quality sleep each night without a lot of effort. That lack of sleep can start to have a negative effect on the way your metabolism works.

Each night you want to be sure you’re getting plenty of quality sleep in a sufficient quantity! Good quality sleep won’t do anything for you if you only get an hour or two each night.

Start your good quality sleep routine by being sure to set aside the appropriate amount of time each night for 8 solid hours. Relax and shut off your devices before crawling into bed and let your body drift off to sleep without the stimulation of a computer, tablet, or phone.


Engage Your Gut Health

Your gut acts as a second brain within the body and often dictates how your hormones work! Hormones and metabolism work in tandem, so when you take care of and engage with your gut health, you protect both areas!

The bacteria within your gut create a microbiome that is a balance between good and bad. Bad bacteria throw off your hormones, while good bacteria help foster growth and an increase in your overall metabolism.

Good, balanced meals, pro- and prebiotics, and drinking plenty of water are the perfect recipe for balanced and engaged gut health! The more invested you are in your gut health, the easier it is to balance your hormones and increase your metabolism.


Reduce Stress

Everyone has some stressful triggers in their life, and stress can throw off your hormones in a hurry. When those hormones are off, your metabolism decreases fast.

As you look to reduce stress in your life, there’s no way to get rid of every stressful situation, person, or area of your life, so the goal is to find stress-relieving tactics! Everyone’s stress relievers are going to look different, but there are a lot of ways that you can start to lower your stress without changing every area of your life.

Take a time-out when things get stressful and do some deep breathing. As you encounter stressful situations, meditate on the problem and find inner peace even when things seem impossible. Plan out your day so you can avoid getting stuck in a situation where you don’t have any control!

While you won’t be able to avoid every stressful situation, reducing the amount of stress you encounter is a surefire way to help balance out your hormones which in turn will raise your metabolism!



Your hormones have a big effect on the way your metabolism works! Getting them back in balance gives you control back over the way your body processes food.

A few simple changes to your diet and day can help you get your hormones back on track and end up increasing your metabolism! As your body starts to balance those pesky hormones, it’s easier to digest food, process plenty of water, and deal with stressful situations. There’s no reason to change every little thing in your life, just a few simple fixes make all the difference in the world!


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"Information courtesy of www.mebykatie.comKatie Marshall is a certified Medical Esthetician, Acne Specialist, Functional Nutrition Counsellor, Holistic Chef, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Specializing in skin health, gut health, hormone health, and the whole body. The basic premise is that functional nutrition gets to the root of the problem and resolves the actual problem. This is different from conventional medicine which is about prescribing multiple meds to deal with symptoms, with little regard for resolving the root cause of the symptoms. Functional nutrition is more personalized, customized, and holistic. My job is to work in tandem with your medical team and be an advocate for you if necessary."  

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