Hi, I'm Katie. 

I learned the holistic way to achieve hormone balance, and I want to help you do it, too! 

I know you want nothing more than to feel like yourself, but it’s been so long, you’ve almost forgotten what your true self feels like!

Katie Marshall, owner of MBK Cultivate Skin Nutrition Wellness. Medical Esthetician, Acne Specialist, Functional Nutrition Counsellor, Holistic Chef, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

You dream of a pain-free day where you feel energized, joyful, and healthy, but instead, you:

  • Wake up feeling groggy and it just gets worse as the day goes on. It’s all you can do to just function, with nothing left over for doing what you love!
  • Always feel bloated, constipated, and uncomfortable.
  • Struggle with anxiety and nervousness, even when you know everything is okay, you still feel like something bad is about to happen.
  • Are irritable much of the time and find yourself snapping at loved ones and co-workers even when there’s no reason to.
  • Suffer from joint pain that makes it difficult to do much more than lay in bed or on the couch.
  • Look 10 years older than you are due to dry, brittle hair, peeling nails, and dry, dull skin.
  • Battle thyroid disease or autoimmune disorders that just seem to get worse.

I know you feel alone, scared, and frustrated, but you’re not alone! I also want to tell you that there IS hope to get better!

I know this because I’ve been EXACTLY where you are right now!


You are not alone! I personally know how it feels to be confused, frustrated, discouraged, and overwhelmed with my skin. As a former acne sufferer, I understand that problems with your skin and overall health can cause distress in different ways and can lead to poor self-image and reduced confidence.

At an early age, I experienced my own complications with digestive, hormone, and mental health that resulted in an acne-prone epidermis and stomach ulcers. My menstrual cycle has always been a nightmare. During my teen years, PMS made me (and everyone else!) miserable, while heavy periods and horrible cramps caused me to miss school at least a couple of days a month. I had awful acne, I battled with my weight, and just felt like a mess. My doctor and parents chalked it up to me being a teenager, and I’d grow out of it.

Customized skin, wellness, and nutrition programs that transform you from good to gorgeous!

Pastry and cup of latte can make for an unhealthy diet that affects hormones and skin health


Most people in their late 20s dream of buying a home, taking a vacation, or starting a family. I dreamed of my career and just not living in pain. I went to multiple doctors who gave me prescription after prescription for joint pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, cramps, you name it. But not only did nothing really work, but they all also came with side effects that made me feel worse.

I went through rounds of tests trying to find the reason why I felt so sick and exhausted, and everything came up "normal" or "fine."

But I was definitely NOT fine.

I knew I looked as bad as I felt, but I didn’t realize how bad things had gotten until my parents came to visit me for the weekend. As soon as my mother saw me, she burst into tears, convinced I had some type of fatal illness. The next time I looked in the mirror, it was like I was seeing myself for the first time in years.

My hair was so thin you could see my scalp, my skin was congested with acne, excessive facial hair, blotchy and dull, and I’d put on 20 pounds in a few years, even though I didn’t eat much due to my shift work schedule at all except pastries and only drank lattes. I moved like someone three times my age, and my eyes had no life in them. I looked as bad as I felt.

Work with Me


I couldn’t keep going through life like that. I had to do something, anything to try and get better. I’d always just done what the doctors told me, but clearly, that wasn’t working and I loved my career. I had a work-related rib fracture injury and I was forced to take time off to heal. I started doing research on my symptoms, especially my acne, blotchy skin, awful periods, and chronic gut issues, and I found out that hormone imbalance led to every single symptom I’d been experiencing.

Now that I had an answer, I felt better, but now I wanted to know what to do about it. I wanted a natural way to get better because I was DONE with prescriptions at this point. They weren’t working and they were costing a fortune.

More research showed me the role that food played in my skin, gut, and hormone health. This was the first I’d heard of this! Sugar, chemicals, and all the artificial ingredients found in our food were at the root of my skin, gut, and hormone imbalance. I thought about my diet - 2 or 3 microwavable meals a day, a few cups of coffee with cream and sugar, pastries, and bags of chips, pretzels, or containers of ice cream were the majority of my meals because I was too tired to cook with my shift work schedule.

Not only were these foods harming my body, and causing my acne and rosacea flares, and feeling bloated and gassy but I was forgoing the nutrients and vitamins my body truly needed to thrive!

I decided to rekindle my love of cooking and tossed out all the artificial junk in my house and focus on nourishing my body with what it needed - lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

What a difference this made!

In just a few weeks, I felt an incredible difference. No more joint pain, my skin was clearing and reduced redness, I was sleeping better than I had in years, and I didn’t feel bloated or anything else. Even better, the weight that clung to my midsection was going away without having to diet or cut calories. I just focused on nourishing my body and giving it what it needed, and the change was amazing!


Stenberg College Medial Esthetica Practitioner - Katie Marshall credentials


Face Reality Acne Specialist Practitioner - Katie Marshall credentials


Functional Nutrition Lab Digestive Intensive Practitioner - Katie Marshall credentials


Functional Nutrition Lab Full Body Systems Practitioner - Katie Marshall credentials


Beyond Nourished Holistic Chef - Katie Marshall credentials


Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Katie Marshall credentials


Women's Health & Wellness Coach - Katie Marshall credentials


Women's Hormone Health Coach - Katie Marshall credentials


Healthy,happy woman with energy and glowing skin


My experience changed my life in wonderful ways, and now, I’m on a path to helping others! I want to help you enjoy the skin, gut, and hormone health I discovered so you can live a life of joy, energy, and vibrancy.

Through over a decade of research and developing my expertise in skin health, and nutrition, I have unlocked the secret to achieving glowing, gorgeous skin, optimal gut function, and balanced hormones.

I understand that problems with your skin health can cause distress in many different ways and can lead to poor self-image and reduced confidence. Whatever your reason for wanting to improve your skin health, I can assist you.

I received my training from Stenberg College, Functional Nutrition Lab, Beyond Nourished, and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I studied a variety of skin health, root causes, dietary theories, and practical lifestyle coaching methods. With my knowledge, we co-create completely personalized actions based on your goals to move you toward your ideal vision of health within your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and resources.

My education has equipped me with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in skin health, holistic and functional nutrition, healthy cooking, health coaching, and prevention. Drawing on my expertise, I work with my clients to help make skin and lifestyle changes and choose health-promoting ways that produce real and lasting results. You will develop a deeper understanding of skin, food, and lifestyle choices that work best for you, improving your skin health, energy, balance, health, and happiness.

Each session will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. We will talk about things beyond the skin, and food, seeking to bring balance to important elements of your life such as love and relationships as well as career and money. I will personally and carefully guide you to make simple, small changes that transform your life.

In addition to bringing you comprehensive skin and nutritional information and resources based on science and medically proven research, I also have the personal experience to guide you and support you as you work to reach your health goals and reclaim your life!

Work with Me

Start your FREE 5-Day Hormone Detox


Ready to THRIVE and say HELLO to a healthy, balanced body?


Take control of your hormones, own a body you love, and feel amazing and balanced! Get ready to say goodbye to hot flashes, inflammation, digestive issues, muffin top, extra inches and more!

In this digital mini-course, you will discover how to:

  • Eat the right foods that love your body back and balance your hormones with ease.
  • Create a daily schedule that sets you up for hormonal health and real balance in every area of your life.
  • Rid your body of toxins that wreak havoc on your hormones so you can thrive in true hormonal health

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