How to Keep Water Intake Up

mindfulness May 23, 2022
How to Keep Water Intake Up @mebykatie

Do you find it difficult to consume your daily water intake?  


The age-old goal was eight glasses per day, but we now know our bodies require more personalized numbers based on our makeup. A more accurate goal is to aim for approximately half of your body weight in ounces per day. Therefore, if you weigh 150lbs, you'll aim for 75oz of water a day. If you have a 24oz water bottle, you'll need to fill it up a little over 3x per day to reach your goal. 


It doesn't seem like a lot until you actually try to tackle it. So if you're trying to keep up and it still seems impossible, I have some tips for you.  


When we realize that we need to be drinking more water, we first search for a cup or bottle. Half the fun is grabbing a new container or bringing an old favorite back to life. Anything will work, but I always choose something fairly large and doesn't need to be refilled constantly. I also like the ones that boast the ability to stay cold for an extended period of time. For example, water bottles with a straw seem easier to drink quickly than the large-mouth options you have to tip and sip. Carry it with you, so it's always top of mind. 


If it's hard to get down this much water in a day—either because it's unappealing or just doesn't taste good—it's pretty easy to add some flavor. I tend to choose citrus fruit (don't add the peel, or you'll taste a bitter flavor), sweet fruit like strawberries, pineapple, and melon, and crisp veggies like cucumber. 


To combat many trips to the restroom all day and night, try adding electrolytes and minerals to your water. There are many types of electrolyte mixes, both flavored and unflavored. Look for healthier options without added sugar or excess ingredients. And to add minerals, it's just a simple pinch of mineral-rich sea salt. This keeps the body balanced, which means better water retention and overall better hydration. 


It can be challenging to hit the goal we set for ourselves even doing those things. The last tip is to add water-rich foods into your diet. This one is not only easy but also delicious. Some of the best foods are cucumber, broccoli, celery, lettuce, spinach, brussels sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, radishes, peppers, peaches, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit, apples, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, and pears. These fruits and vegetables have many benefits when eaten raw, cooked, or even juiced.  


It can be challenging to stay on top of this habit, especially when you start to pay attention to it. But with a bit of planning and creativity, you'll soon notice that your body is genuinely thanking you for the extra care. 





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"Information courtesy of www.mebykatie.comKatie Marshall is a certified Medical Esthetician, Acne Specialist, Functional Nutrition Counsellor, Holistic Chef, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Specializing in both skin health, gut health, hormone health, and the whole body. The basic premise is that functional nutrition gets to the root of the problem and resolves the actual problem. This is different from conventional medicine which is about prescribing multiple meds to deal with symptoms, with little regard to resolving the root cause of the symptoms. Functional nutrition is more personalized, customized, and holistic. My job is to work in tandem with your medical team and be an advocate for you if necessary."

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