Exercise Ideas for the Cold Winter Months

self care tool kit Dec 21, 2021
Exercise Ideas for the Cold Winter Months

Winter is here, and you might have already moved your workouts indoors. While most days, an indoor workout away from the cold sounds ideal, there are several enjoyable winter activities to get active outdoors.  


Here are some exercise ideas for the cold winter months so that you can continue moving all season long:


Shovel The Snow

Not only will you clean off your driveway or front porch, but you’ll get a full-body workout from it too! Shoveling the snow is no easy task. Scooping, lifting, and throwing that heavy, wet snow activates the muscles in your arms, legs, and abs. Make sure you dress warm and don’t push yourself too hard—if your shovel is too heavy, you could get injured trying to lift it.


Ice Skating

In the winter, most cities have an indoor or outdoor skating rink open to the public. Ice skating is a fun exercise that you can do with friends and family, and it’s the perfect activity for all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro skater, skating can still give you a good workout. It’s excellent cardio and works many muscles in the body, especially your legs. 


Home Workout

If braving the cold isn’t your thing, opt for an indoor workout this season. You can get a very effective workout from the comfort and safety of your home. There is an unlimited number of free workout videos available online, from yoga to strength training. If you wish, you can buy some simple equipment, such as a resistance band and ankle weights, but you don’t need it. There are tons of options out there for equipment-free workouts that you can follow, and they’re highly effective.


Cross-Country Skiing

This winter, try something new. Cross-country skiing is a fun way to exercise in the winter months. It may look easy, but it’s a full-body workout that burns a lot of calories. You use your arm muscles to push yourself with the poles, your core to balance yourself, and your legs to ski. It’s an effective aerobic exercise that gets your heart rate up, even if you are a beginner. Plus, you can enjoy some time spent in nature, which lowers stress levels and elevates your mood. 


Go for a Walk

Winter can be a beautiful time to go for a walk. You don’t need any expensive or specific gear, it’s free, and you can do it anywhere. Make sure to dress warm, wear a hat, scarf, and gloves, and boots that have good grip if it’s slippery. If you prefer to take shelter from the cold, you can take a walk through the mall or go to a museum or art gallery. That way, you’ll also have something to look at and pass the time— before you know it, you’ll have been walking for hours. Bringing a friend or family member with you will make things even more fun.






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"Information courtesy of www.mebykatie.comKatie Marshall is a certified Medical Esthetician, Acne Specialist, Functional Nutrition Counsellor, Holistic Chef, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Specializing in both skin health, gut health, hormone health, and the whole body. The basic premise is that functional nutrition gets to the root of the problem and resolves the actual problem. This is different from conventional medicine which is about prescribing multiple meds to deal with symptoms, with little regard to resolving the root cause of the symptoms. Functional nutrition is more personalized, customized, and holistic. My job is to work in tandem with your medical team and be an advocate for you if necessary."
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