3 Great Ways for Revving Up Your Digestion

gut health self care tool kit Aug 18, 2022
3 Great Ways for Revving Up Your Digestion @mebykatie

Good digestion is one of the keys to maintaining overall good health.


Unfortunately, many people don't realize digestive health's importance until they experience problems. Following these tips can help ensure that your digestive system works properly, keeping you healthy and happy.


Here are three practical ways you can speed things up to improve your digestion and your overall health:


Engage with exercise

Making exercise a part of your daily routine, particularly with cycling and jogging, can drastically reduce your gut's transit time. However, any activity, even walking, helps speed up your digestion. It stimulates the stomach muscles and small intestine to get things moving. Ideally, if you walk after a meal, that will be the most beneficial of all.

Yoga poses may also help you out. If you do just 10 minutes of yoga per day, it will help support your digestion and healthy bowel movements. Twisting postures are beneficial for you here. Plus, it's relaxing, and when you're relaxed, it puts your nervous system in a parasympathetic state which is essential for your best digestion.


Know the foods that can help you

Certain foods you eat can throw off your digestion. Refined carbs, sugary and fried things, are often to blame. If you've been eating those foods often, try moving to more beneficial foods to help your digestion.

Probiotic foods are a great choice because they replenish your gut with the good bacteria it needs for healthy digestion and immunity. Yogurt is a popular choice, though if you'd rather stay dairy-free, you can have kimchi, pickled veggies, tempeh, sauerkraut, kefir, natto, or miso.

More fiber is also essential. In particular, insoluble fiber will help sweep your digestive system clean. If you'd like to practice good bowel cleansing techniques regularly, choose prebiotic fibers from onions, garlic, leeks, and jicama. And whatever you eat, make sure you chew your food more thoroughly, which helps your stomach digest it better.


Flush out with fluids

If you're not keeping your hydration to the proper levels, you can cause more digestive problems. However, what you drink is important, and those sugary drinks or extra coffees aren't going to help. Water is by far the most beneficial liquid to drink for digestive health. Herbal teas are also helpful; some may further stimulate your digestive system for improved efficiency.

If you really want to boost your digestion speed, add bone broth to the mix. It hydrates and replenishes your body with electrolytes, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and a bounty of other minerals.

If you're looking for a way to jumpstart your digestion, these three tips can help. Following some simple advice and making a few small changes in your diet and lifestyle can give your digestive system the boost it needs. Have you tried any of these methods? What has worked best for you?





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"Information courtesy of www.mebykatie.comKatie Marshall is a certified Medical Esthetician, Acne Specialist, Functional Nutrition Counsellor, Holistic Chef, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Specializing in both skin health, gut health, hormone health, and the whole body. The basic premise is that functional nutrition gets to the root of the problem and resolves the actual problem. This is different from conventional medicine which is about prescribing multiple meds to deal with symptoms, with little regard to resolving the root cause of the symptoms. Functional nutrition is more personalized, customized, and holistic. My job is to work in tandem with your medical team and be an advocate for you if necessary." 

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